Saturday, November 13, 2010

Boobs and Bongs

Smoking pot does not make you cool, does not make you more attractive. its does not increase you dick/titt size, and the munchies increase your waist line rather than decrease it. One thing it does however is calm you, relax you, bring you down to a nice level after a long hard day at the grinding stone.

Weed brings people together! its not only a great way to unwind, but its an awesome way to meet new people! Sometimes having the perfect bong can make a huge difference in not only the level of high, but the amount of people who want to toke with you! though having a new bong doesn't mean that you will have more friends, you do have to search for those....and it will not insure that flocks of busty gorgeous women will begin approaching you regularly. no, sadly some social skills are involved. though you cant count on being any more interesting, you can definitely be assured that the word spreads fast. once a new bong is purchased the more people you smoke with, the more friends of friends appear. suddenly you have a plethora of smoke! new exciting strains of weed brought over by various conosur  all wanting to smoke from your fabulous bong!  more weed means more high! more people, means more conversation. even the shyest of pot heads can become a social sponge. turn on a sweet flick and then suddenly people are bringing over more shows, more movies, the knowledge expands. soon more bongs enter the scene and you not only have the chillest crash pad with the awesomest utensils, you now have a utopia for pot heads and bong fanatics alike!
sure you might not be any skinnier, your acne wont go away, you might be single, but that cute redhead your friend brought over is engaged in a brilliant conversation with you about track 2 on your newly burnt CD, and things are looking up!

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